After some thinking about I found the solution by using it on the host system
root@shproxmox2:~# lsmod | sed 's/\s.*$//' > pre_htb
root@shproxmox2:~# tc qdisc add dev eth0.1 root handle 1: htb default 10
root@shproxmox2:~# lsmod | sed 's/\s.*$//' > post_htb
root@shproxmox2:~# diff pre_htb post_htb
> sch_htb
root@shproxmox2:~# lsmod | sed 's/\s.*$//' > pre_filter
root@shproxmox2:~# tc filter add dev eth0.1 protocol ip handle 1 fw flowid 1:10
root@shproxmox2:~# lsmod | sed 's/\s.*$//' > post_filter
root@shproxmox2:~# diff pre_filter post_filter
> cls_fw
So it is cls_fw (need for fw and not for filter)