I'm suddenly getting this:
Setting up checkpoint...
Can not suspend VE: Invalid argument
Error: unsupported fs type xfs
Checkpointing failed
and in dmesg this:
CPT ERR: ffff8100f3c69800,1042 :unsupported fs type xfs
this is surprising since I've been using xfs almost exclusively and never
noticed such message ( although I've been playing on x86. and this I got on
amd64 )...
I don't quite follow why CPT would be dependant on filesystem type,
especially since I'm planning on moving VEs composed of several partitions,
and since xfs seems very well suited to such tasks (i'm getting much
faster VE transfer times with xfsdump/xfsrestore then with rsync).
Are there any special requirements for CPTing to work?
Key fingerprint = 40D0 9FFB 9939 7320 8294 05E0 BCC7 02C4 75CC 50D9
Total Existance Failure