I just create VE and checkpoint it, but dump size was 512K:
[root@m0 ~]# du /var/lib/vz/template/cache/centos-4-i386-minimal.tar.gz
33M /var/lib/vz/template/cache/centos-4-i386-minimal.tar.gz
[root@m0 ~]# vzctl create 103 --ostemplate centos-4-i386-minimal --config vps.basic
Creating VE private area: /var/lib/vz/private/103
Performing postcreate actions
VE private area was created
[root@m0 ~]# du -s /var/lib/vz/private/103/
95M /var/lib/vz/private/103/
[root@m0 ~]# vzctl start 103
Starting VE ...
VE is mounted
Setting CPU units: 1000
VE start in progress...
[root@m0 ~]# vzctl enter 103
entered into VE 103
[root@m0 ~]# vzctl chkpnt 103 --suspend
Setting up checkpoint...
get context...
Checkpointing completed succesfully
[root@m0 ~]# vzctl chkpnt 103 --dump --dumpfile 103.dump
Setting up checkpoint...
join context..
Checkpointing completed succesfully
[root@m0 ~]# du 103.dump
512K 103.dump
What's wrong?
[Updated on: Tue, 10 October 2006 13:36] by Moderator
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