maratrus Messages: 1495 Registered: August 2007 Location: Moscow
Senior Member
1. Please show how do you exactly create eth* interfaces per VE. (the exact command - "vzctl set --netif_add ...")
2. And what is the order of interfaces you add to the bridge?
(for example: the first is eth1.35@eth1, then veth101.35, veth102.35 etc) And which of them cause the problem? I mean if the problem VE was the first to add?
3. Let's assume you've started several VEs and mounted NFS partition inside each of them. Please show "ip a l", "ip r l", "brctl show" from HN at that moment.
Then you can break this configuration via "ifconfig eth1.35 down" from inside the problem VE. Please, do it. And then show the previous commands from HN.
4. Let's assume you've broken the configuration. Do other VEs keep a network connectivity?