I am running Centos 4.4 x64 and I thought I would try out to get OpenVZ running on this Opteron box, so I installed via YUM the latest stable kernel (2.6.9-023stab032.1-smp).
I modified the grub config and attempted to boot and I got the following error message:
Error 13: Invalid executable or unsupported format ???
Here is what I have in Grub:
title OpenVZ (2.6.9 x64 SMP)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinux-2.6.9-023stab032.1-smp ro root=/dev/Linux/CentOS console=tty1 console=ttyS1,9600
initrd /initrd-2.6.9-023stab032.1-smp.img
Any ideas? My main setup uses RAID 0 with LVM on top. My boot partition though is a standard ext3 100Mo partition on the sda.
Thank you for your guidance!
[Updated on: Mon, 11 December 2006 07:28] by Moderator
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