I encountered the following problem.
1. Create VE
vzctl create 1002 --ostemplate ubuntu-8.04-x86_64 --config vps_initial
Creating container private area (ubuntu-8.04-x86_64)
Performing postcreate actions
Container private area was created
2. Start it
vzctl start 1002
Starting container ...
Container is mounted
Setting CPU limit: 2
Setting CPU units: 16650
File resolv.conf was modified
Setting quota ugidlimit: 0
Container start in progress...
3. Try to stop
vzctl stop 1002
Stopping container ...
Unable to stop container: operation timed out
And after that I can't stop/destroy/enter the VE...
Could you help me?
Linux qwerty 2.6.32-openvz-dzhanibekov.1-r1