Hi all,
I'm currently working on a xen to openvz migration and some I have problem to setup the network configuration.
I'm using the lastest kernel patch build to support nfsroot for the openvz host under ubuntu dapper 6.06 LTS
I will have at least 12 vlan on the OVZ host, and 2 or 3 vlan in each VE
for example, NETIF for the VEID 101
and I want an EXTERNAL_SCRIPT that check if the bridge exist, and if not create and add the interface
my first idea was adding a new variable that indicate all the vlan we have to configure :
VETH_BRIDGE="brvlan10 brvlan19"
with this script :
---- BEGIN SCRIPT ----
# /usr/sbin/vznetaddroute
# a script to bring up virtual network interfaces (veth's) in a VE
VZHOSTIF=`echo $NETIF |sed 's/^.*host_ifname=\(.*\)\..*,.*$/\1/g'`
for BRIDGE in ${VETH_BRIDGE} ; do
VLAN=`echo ${BRIDGE} | sed 's/brvlan//'`
if [ ! -n "${VZHOSTIF}.${VLAN}" ]; then
echo "According to $CONFIGFILE VE$VEID has no veth interface configured."
exit 1
if [ ! -n "${BRIDGE}" ]; then
echo "According to $CONFIGFILE VE$VEID has no veth bridge configured."
exit 1
echo "Adding interface ${VZHOSTIF}.${VLAN} to bridge ${BRIDGE} on VE0"
if [ -z "`/usr/sbin/brctl show | /bin/grep ${BRIDGE}`" ]; then
/usr/sbin/brctl addbr ${BRIDGE}
/usr/sbin/brctl addif ${BRIDGE} eth1.${VLAN}
/sbin/ip link set ${BRIDGE} up
/usr/sbin/brctl addif ${BRIDGE} ${VZHOSTIF}.${VLAN}
/sbin/ip link set ${VZHOSTIF}.${VLAN} up
exit 0
---- END SCRIPT ----
When I start my VE, I have :
# vzctl start 101
Starting VE ...
VE is mounted
Setting CPU limit: 241132
Setting CPU units: 55555
Configure meminfo: 502650
Set hostname: adviseo03
Configure veth devices: veth101.10 veth101.19
Adding interface veth101.10 to bridge brvlan10 on VE0
Adding interface veth101.19 to bridge brvlan19 on VE0
interface veth101.19 does not exist!
SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
Adding interface veth101.10 to bridge brvlan10 on VE0
device veth101.10 is already a member of a bridge; can't enslave it to bridge brvlan10.
Adding interface veth101.19 to bridge brvlan19 on VE0
VE start in progress...
so at start vzctl already know we will have 2 net device : "Configure veth devices: veth101.10 veth101.19"
so the EXTERNAL_SCRIPT is execute 2 times, one time for each veth, so I shouldn't need to setup VETH_BRIDGE if in the
EXTERNAL_SCRIPT, I'm able to know with veth is currently configured
It's not easy to explain until it is still quite complicated for me
so the question is :
is it possible to know in the EXTERNAL_SCRIPT, for which interface, the script is execute ?
thanks for your help
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