Eric W. Biederman wrote:
> etun is a simple two headed tunnel driver that at the link layer looks
> like ethernet. It's target audience is communicating between network
> namespaces but it is general enough it has other valid uses as well.
> Ben Greear implemented a similar device called redir-dev, for network
> emulation.
> OpenVZ has a similar device that goes by the name veth.
> I didn't want to mess with ioctls or weird non-general network
> interfaces for creating devices, so I used sysfs as my control
> mechanism.
> To create a pair of devices called veth0 and veth1:
> echo -n 'veth0,veth1' > /sys/module/etun/parameters/newif
> To destroy a pair of devices:
> echo -n 'veth0' > /sys/module/etun/parameters/delif
Is there any way to tell for certain if an interface is a etun or not?
a file could be found (or not) in sysfs somewhere?
Also, how do you find the peer device from user-space? This would be
very useful
for anyone trying to manage these devices with a user-space program.
When you are creating new devices, I think you should check to make
sure there isn't already a device with that name.
In general though, I look forward to this being in the kernel so I can drop
my redirect device code from my out-of-tree patch.
Ben Greear <>
Candela Technologies Inc
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